Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Introducing Sweete Sinz Publishing

~About Sweete Sinz Publishing~

As you all know I have been in the publishing industry for almost 4 years now. I have had great experiences, bad experiences, and some that left me in tears. I have worked very hard to accomplish what I have today with this new company, one which I never had any plans of opening. 

After the closing of Phoenix Fire Publishing due to hate, slander, and fictitious lies of a certain blogger I had no will to fight any longer. With some convincing from my authors I decided that I would open a new company Dark Storm under a Alt name hopefully giving the company a chance at the bright life. Well, let's just say that didn't work out so well.

In the end, I closed up and walked away, creating the Sweete SInz imprint for my own books. A fellow author had planned to take over my authors, but due to unfortunate circumstances that didn't happen. So, here I was with a handful or more of authors asking questions and I something in me just stirred. I was taught that no matter how bad the fight is, or how tired you are of the fight, you pick yourself up and keep going.

And that is exactly what I did. I took Sweete Sinz and turned into a small publishing company giving hope back to the authors that had grown to know me over the past year, stood beside me when I felt alone and give me the courage to keep going. I don't know what I would have done without their kind words and belief in me,

Sweete Sinz Publishing wasn't planned by any means but in my heart of hearts I love helping authors embrace their writing without limitations and that is what this company is all about. Allowing the author freedom to write the way they see the story inside their own minds.

It wasn't planned, but it has been a true blessing and has brought the passion of my own writing back. I have a team of great editors, cover artists, and amazingly talented authors. I would go back and change a thing. I love hearing the excitement in their voices or reading their posts on facebook about how happy they are and for me that is enough.

Sweete Sinz is about makin money off is authors, its about the authors making money for themselves. We give the highest royalty rate I know of in this business and it is the same for the Ebooks and Paperbacks. I feel it is their blood, sweat, and tears they have put into this writing so they deserve the best.

We have a wide variety of authors; from poets, mystery authors, paranormal writers, authors sharing their beliefs of different religions, and there is no limitation on their writing. They have full creative control over everything. From the time it hits my email until the time it goes on sale they are walked through the process one on one.

I, myself, do plan on to continue writing, but my authors come first. We have two books out at the moment. The third will be released shortly and soon after the fourth.

We have a variety of genre's in anthologies that are open for submissions. Once I get the roster full of about ten authors then I set a release date and we move forward. This way no one is under pressure,
Sweete Sinz Publishing is not the norm of the mill publishing company, we allow you to be YOU. Allow you to embrace your characters and storylines the way you see them in your head.

Most publishers wouldn't allow such things, but as an author myself I don't want restrictions on my writing. I want to to be able to tell my story the way I see it. 

We are open for submissions and if interested in any of the anthologies or publishing a novelette, novella, or full manuscript you can o to our website and see the guidelines http://sweetesinzpublishing.weebly.com

If interested email us at sweetesinzpublishing@gmail.com

Sweete Sinz is like a family, we support one another and help promote each other. We leave our egos at the door and work as a team. That is what Sweete Sinz is all about.

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