About Sweete Sinz Publishing

Sweete Sinz Publishing is Owned and Managed by Tabetha Jones. Sweete Sinz Publishing is unlike other publishing companies. Anthologies are done at the author's pace, and once the roster is full the anthology is set with a release date and then published. All anthology royalties are donated to different charities and discussed among all the authors involved in the anthology which organization the royalties will go to.

For manuscripts, novellas, novelettes, one author collection of short stories, or poetry Sweete Sinz offer 75% of all royalties to the author, for ebooks or paperback. Sweete Sinz is not about making money off the authors but the authors making money for themselves.

Tabetha Jones works closely with all her authors, taking time to work one on one with each other, whether it be short stories, novellas, or a full manuscript, Tabetha Jones ensures each piece of work is carefully handled and works closely with the author for the best work possible,

Sweete Sinz Publishing is not your norm of the mill publishing company. We push limits, no boundaries, allowing the author to write the material and characters the way the see it in their head. 

Sweete Sinz is about the authors and allowing them the freedom to be themselves and write as they want. 

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